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Under the Sea

    Exercising can sometimes be a trial. For me at least, there are always so many things that I would rather do. It helps to find an activity that you enjoy, and people that you enjoy working out with. Or maybe you’re more of a solo act, which is also...

Expectations vs Reality

  Expectations of having my own place: I’m going to have fancy dinner parties like a “real” adult and go out dancing!  Reality: Or we could just stay in and watch Netflix and eat popcorn! I had expected to do a lot more entertaining once I had gotten...
Matchmaker Matchmaker

Matchmaker Matchmaker

  Online dating can be fraught with pitfalls. You may have a lot in common with someone on paper but have no connection at all in person. And you never can tell when you’re talking to someone if they really are who they say they are. That’s not to say...