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Grace Under Pressure - culinary disaster 1

Grace Under Pressure - culinary disaster 2

Grace Under Pressure - Culinary Disaster 3Grace Under Pressure - Culinary Disaster 4

Grace Under Pressure - Culinary Disaster 5

Even good cooks can have bad days, and when you’ve got nobody to help you out they can seem that much more overwhelming. Anyone accidentally start a kitchen fire? That would be fricken scary on your own but with Grace’s special tips you can hopefully prevent your kitchen from burning down.

 ** In case of kitchen fire, turn off the stove and cover the pan with a lid or with baking soda to cut off the air supply to the fire. Do not move the pan. Do not spray the pan with water as it will result in flying balls of flaming grease and the destruction of your kitchen. Think Smaug at Laketown. Not an experience any of us want to repeat (even though seeing a dragon would be badass).